Tribulation Tribulation - Leviathans

Mighty regents of the seas
Ageless kings and queens
Wrathful deities of floods and all rains
From the cataracts
To the subterranean torrents
In the primordial watery abyss
Sovereigns of the deep and below

O Leviathans
Exalted be your throne
Dark, vast expanses, infinite depths!
Force flows endlessly
Ascending from your womb
Lead us to the epitome of your ways!

You who are traveling as rivers out to the sea
To become thе tears of gods
The blood of the еarth
We revere and beseech you!
You daunting, magnificent beings
Speak to us
Speak to us

Hear this prayer O undines
Emerge from the holy waters
From the roaring waves of the sea
We will desire your grace
Speak to us

O Creatures of water
Spirits of the sea and of change
Of rivers and lakes
And the formless things in the world
Impart on us your wisdom
Let us experience your force
Bring us back to life
From primordial chaos
Into existence

O Leviathans
Exalted be your throne
Dark, vast expanses, infinite depths!
Force flows endlessly
Ascending from your womb
Lead us to the epitome of your ways!

O Leviathans
Exalted be your throne
Dark, vast expanses, infinite depths!
Force flows endlessly
Ascending from your womb
Lead us to the epitome of your ways!